Milestones – Infants (Newborn to 12 Months)

Milestones are the behavioral or physical spot check in children as they grow and develop. Functional skills or age specific tasks are developed by our little performers. Your child’s first year is brimful of firsts. First smile, first step, first word, first turning on to tummy side, first crawling etc., Let us explore all the beautiful milestones of our little champs.

The joys of being a new parent are unparalleled, and the first few months of bringing your large quantity of joy home are not short-lived as an exhilarating experience. The first month of bringing a baby home is a time of dramatic changes in your life that began about a year ago with a pregnancy.

Newborn babies are growing up all the time, and at first, it can be a little challenging for new parents to understand the things they need to take care of in order to ensure a healthy, caring and successful environment for your baby. New parents may still have to deal with the care, nutrition, exercise, and understanding of their child’s many needs.

Simply put, this baby history chart gives you an overview of what your child’s behavior might be each month – and when you can expect to look at the major categories in the list. However, every child is different, and you can expect your child to hit his or her right foot with a picture of his or her speed.

Baby milestone – 1 to 3 months

When it comes to the apparent improvement in visual development in a one-month-old baby, even the wandering eyes and occasional focus on things is a good sign. As the one-month-old baby grows older, they too will begin to see familiar faces, and they will begin to admire the bright colors.

A two-month-old baby and his physical growth will appear with the movement of the limbs, and you will see them join their hands and feet from time to time. In addition, they will also begin to move their head side to side, and you can see this very much as they lie on their back during diaper changes. You could find your baby start smiling, baby is able to get control on his fingers and toes by keeping them tight and bent in sequence, trying to capture objects with their fingers. It is a good indication of the landmark of a two-month-old baby as they will begin to show thinking in terms of how to move its head in terms of sounds and touch.

By month 3, Your baby can distinguish your face from others, begin to have different cries for different needs – hunger, diaper change, pain, etc., turns their heads to express boredom, opens and closes their hands, swipe on hanging objects, follows the things moving with their eyes, turns his head in the direction of the sounds, enjoys playing with people.

About the feeding, there is no reason to panic if you think that a baby is feeding too much at one month old because it is normal. The reason that a babies need to be fed every few hours is because their bodies and organs are so small at the moment. The baby feels full immediately, and will need to be fed more often in the first few months.

Know more on how to safekeep a newborn

Baby milestone – 4 to 6 months

Babies grow faster as month passes by. During month 4, the important milestone of baby development is to turn to their tummy side for the first time. Mostly many of the babies will reach this milestone by the end of the third month and few may do it in month four. Babies start to giggle and laugh, copies facial expressions, reaches for a toy with one hand, holds their head steady unsupported, pushes up onto their elbows when they’re lying on their tummy.

The skills that a child develops now may seem small, but they form the basis of the great skills that will emerge later in the child’s development chart and can help your doctor diagnose the problem early if you find something wrong.

You can’t walk if you can’t stand up. You can’t speak sentences if you do not make an attempt for simple words.

Babies almost reach out with both  hands, grasping objects and holding them using all his fingers. Babies are about to start the journey on the path of their fulfillment. Hide the object and expose it, so the child will begin to learn that things are still there when they cannot see them. Your baby has started rolling or swinging from side to side, getting ready to reach this milestone. The average age of onset from stomach to back is four months; A five-month-old baby that does not roll over yet is not a cause for concern but if the baby does not try to roll over during the six-month test, you should inform your pediatrician. For your five-month-old baby, crawling may be imminent. Babies usually hit this step between six and ten months, but some children who have specially decided start earlier.

By sixth month, babies start to creep along the floor, pass things from one hand to the other, starts sitting unaided, starts to understand simple words, and responds to their name.

Baby milestone – 7 to 9 months

By month 7, baby might be able to sit up by themselves without any help! Though they might need to keep their hands on the floor to stay upright. Over the next couple months, they’ll keep developing this skill. Now, baby probably picks things up with their hand, using pointer finger and thumb working on the “pincer grasp”. Babies do babbles and imitate sounds. They very well know what things to do to attract your attention. Babies also start enjoying in dropping things on the floor, love to play simple games like peekaboo and begin to respond to “no”.

By month 8, After sitting comes rolling, crouching, twisting and rocking while kneeling, gears up for crawling (if they hasn’t yet!). When baby’s on the floor, they would be in constant motion!  If your 8-month-old  baby is not crawling yet, do not worry they are still within the normal range; some babies crawl closer to 10 months where as others skip crawling altogether and go straight to walking! Babies do start teething at this month and some may get late teething.

                                               To know more about teething click here

By month 9, babies tend wary not to go to strangers and clings to familiar people, they will have a favorite toys, makes a lot of different sounds like “mammaa” and “babbaba”, imitates the sounds and gestures of others, uses fingers to point at thing

Baby milestone – 10 to 12 months

Babies by month 10, explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging and throwing, pulls and try to stand, starts cruising, gets into a sitting position without help, begins feeding themselves like finger food, hand-eye coordination is developed.

By month 11, your baby is getting taller! They can stand by themselves and begin to see the world in upright position, which makes it way more interesting. And that will make baby even more excited about exploring new things in that way. Babies try to understand object permanence, crawls up the stairs (care should be taken), makes sounds with changes in tone, develops separation anxiety.

By month 12, your baby has officially graduated to toddler. You can look back on all the amazing things that your baby has mastered over the past 12 months – lot, lot and quite a lot! Babies by month 12 or on their first year may respond to simple directions or speaking, uses some gestures like shaking their head “no” or waving “bye-bye”, will try to say “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”, looks at the right image or object when it’s named, starts to use things correctly; for example, drinks from a cup or brushes their hair or brush their teeth. They may take a few steps without holding on anything and stand alone.

The Takeaway

First is first always. Our little bundle of joy explores all their first milestones in their first year after their birth. Cherish all those first moments and celebrate their every milestone of their growth and development.

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