First trimester of pregnancy – Week by week

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters :

First trimester – week 1 to end of week 12

Second trimester – week 13 to week 26

Third trimester – week 27 to end of pregnancy (40 weeks) 

What is the first trimester of pregnancy?

The first trimester is the initial phase of pregnancy. It starts from the first day of your last period till 12th week of pregnancy. It is a great time to anticipate the rapid changes in you and your baby. Knowing what is going in you and what to expect will help you to be ready for the months ahead.

Pregnancy time is measured by gestational age. Gestational age is the term you’ll get to know through pregnancy which is defined as the period or age starting from the first day of your Last Menstrual Period (LMP). Many people do not remember exactly the start date of last menstrual cycle, the surest way to find out the gestational age is by an ultrasound.

What happens in you? – Week by Week

Week 1 and 2

Your pregnancy journey starts here without getting to know that you are pregnant. In week 1 and 2, your body gears up to produce an egg and thus the ovulation process has been ensued depending on the length of your menstrual cycle. Your body then prepares for fertilization.

Week 3 and 4

The actual process of fertilization joining up of sperm and ovum or egg happens in week 3. The fertilized egg called as zygote is then moves down to the uterus from the ovary. Pregnancy actually begins when the ball of cells gets attached to the lining of uterus which is called as implantation. It happens 6 days after fertilization. During this process some may experience light bleeding which is called as implantation bleeding. Your baby is as small as a poppy seed.

Week 5 and 6

At week 5, your HCG hormone levels are high enough to show positive result. So, if you have missed your cycle, it is the right time to take pregnancy test. Some may start to experience symptoms like fatigue and nausea. Some may still do not experience any early signs and symptoms until next week. The embryo now looks like a fetus, the circulatory system and heart of your little one starts to develop. Your baby is as small as peppercorn.

By week 6, your little one looks more like a baby. Your baby’s size is as of a green pea. Little baby’s head is now ready to take its shape, While the cheeks, chin, jaws, buds of arms and legs, neural tube, bud of tail and umbilical cord are started to develop. You may undergo some of the other symptoms like heart burn, nausea and frequent urination in this week.

Week 7 and 8

By week 7, your embryo is now 10,000 times bigger than when it has arrived uterus. Now your baby is as big as blueberry. Your baby is growing and generating brain cells. You may experience some of the symptoms like morning sickness, tender breasts and food aversions.

By week 8, your baby is as big as raspberry. Your little raspberry is now have fingers and toes which is webbed together. Facial features like ears, eyes, eyelids, liver, upper lips begin to form. The tail which was found previously has disappeared. You may feel some noticeable discomfort as your body produces extra blood during pregnancy and your heart beats faster than usual to carry extra blood.

Week 9 and 10

At week 9, your body is working hard in the first trimester to develop the placenta which acts as a lifeline between the baby and the mother’s blood as it absorbs nutrients from the blood stream. The umbilical cord connects the abdomen of the fetus to the placenta. The cord carries oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Now, your baby is as big as green olive.

Week 10 marks your baby’s final week as an embryo. Your baby’s eyelids cover the eyes but they’ll stay fused shut till 27 weeks. Now, your baby is as big as strawberry.

Week 11 and 12

At week 11, your pregnancy bump may slightly peep out of your body. Your baby’s fingers and toes are no longer webbed, bones are begun to harden, skin and fingernails began to grow. Now, your baby is as big as lime.

At 12 weeks pregnant, you’re nearly reached end of the first trimester. By now, all the organs are formed at its place as embryo. As fetus, your baby’s organs start to grow and mature. Even sexual organs are developed at this stage. Now, your baby is as big as plum. Week 12 may be a relief from early pregnancy symptoms which is very much needed for pregnant women.

First trimester To-Do’s

Having a life inside you is one of the most blessed and joyous feeling that every mom would ever have. But there are some practical steps to be taken care during the first trimester of pregnancy which includes the following

  • Choose a doctor/ obstetrician with whom, you would travel throughout your pregnancy journey.
  • Schedule a prenatal visit to your obstetrician or gynecologist as soon as you know you’re pregnant. You’ll cover a lot of medical examination to be done during you first visit. Your doctor will take your health history and figure out your tentative due date. You will be asked to have blood and urine tests and possibly a pelvic exam.
  • Continue with your prenatal schedules. For every visit, your weight and blood pressure will be noted.
  • Know what other tests and screenings you may need, at what week it is to be done to analyze health of both you and your baby.
  • Start taking prescribed prenatal vitamins with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid which helps for the growth of brain and spinal cord of your baby.
  • Take a look at your diet and make any changes that you may need for healthy pregnancy. Ensure you and your baby gets right nutrition.
  • Listen to your body and be comfortable as it says.

Emergency symptoms during the first trimester

Any of the following symptoms could be a sign that something is wrong with your pregnancy. Do not wait for your prenatal visit, seek your doctor’s help immediately once you find any of these symptoms.

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Severe dizziness
  • Sudden weight gain or little weight.

The Takeaway

Though the first trimester of your pregnancy takes you in a roller coaster of lots of new experiences, do not forget to enjoy this wonderful phase of a life growing inside you. Ensure that the schedule for prenatal visits are followed and also ensure you and your baby’s health stands on line.

3 thoughts on “First trimester of pregnancy – Week by week”

  1. Pingback: Early signs and symptoms of pregnancy - MOMKNOWZ

  2. Pingback: Why Prenatal vitamins and supplements during pregnancy? - MOMKNOWZ

  3. Pingback: Second trimester of pregnancy – Week by Week - MOMKNOWZ

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